Friday, September 23, 2011


Today the students began setting up their AP lit blogs. Here are the instructions:

Setting up your blog.

1. Go to
2. Click Create Your Blog Now
3. Provide your email address
• Create a password that you will not forget
• Choose a name-it should not be your actual name (choose a fake name)

4. Choose any template you like
5. Choose an address
6. Click the Settings tab
7. Click the Email tab
8. In the Blogsend Address window type in


• You must have 1 blog per novel. This will be your on-going journal covering all of the works we read this year
• Each blog must contain the following
a. Analysis of a topic/theme/symbol/argument/etc. of your choice
b. Your favorite line/quote/passage along with an explanation and analysis
c. Your thoughts on the novel. This can be a review or casual commentary. Why did you like/dislike the work?
d. You must comment on at least 2 of your classmates’ blogs for each marking period.
e. Your blog should reflect your personality. Make it your own.
f. *you can upload images/videos. They should relate to the work you are posting about.
g. Provide me with your blog address and screen name

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