Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Macbeth projects

Students are to complete ONE of the following projects by Wednesday 5/28.

Macbeth projects-30pts

Poster-Make a movie poster for Macbeth. It must include images depicting character(s)/theme(s).

Soundtrack-Create a soundtrack for Macbeth. Use the music of today to tell the story. You must find at least 10 songs for the CD. Each song requires an explanation as to how it relates to the story and/or themes. You must also design the CD case.

Acting-Choose a scene to recreate from the play. You are to rewrite it to fit any style you like. It must depict the characters and themes accurately. It can be filmed ahead of time. I will collect the script.

Soliloquy-You are to choose a soliloquy to present. You must accurately portray the emotions of the character. You must also rewrite it in your own words and present it a second time.

If you have an idea for a project, present it to me.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Finish reading Macbeth by Tuesday. Do it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Project

The AP Literature Wiki project. 100pts

This project will be your legacy. Every AP Literature class from now until the end of time will be responsible for completing this project and adding to it.

For this assignment you will use all of the skills that we have practiced this year. You are responsible for providing a scholarly literary criticism for each of the works you have chosen to read. This is NOT a research assignment. This is NOT a review. The goal is that other students will be using your work as a source for their research assignments. This project will be published and will be a permanent fixture on both my blog and the Library/Resource Center webpage.

You will be responsible for the following:

read 2 works by the author of your choice
write a scholarly criticism of each work
post it on the High Point Regional High School Guide to Contemporary Literary Criticism Wiki.

Your criticisms must include:

title stating concept and novel title
an abstract describing the thesis
scholarly criticism/analysis of the work
a point/argument
the skills we focused on during class
your knowledge of the author/context/literature/the world

At the end of each criticism, you are to include your initials and the year you wrote it. Ex. (A.B. 2008) Again, this is permanent. You can view your criticisms when you are old and gray like me. Your kids will be able to view them.


Friday, May 2, 2008

Just in case you didn't write down the prompt for the Joyce passage.

In the following passage from the short story, “The Dead,” James Joyce presents an insight into the character of Gabriel. Write a well-organized essay in which you discuss various aspects of Gabriel’s character that Joyce reveals to the reader and to Gabriel himself. Refer to such techniques and devices as imagery, point of view, motif, diction, and syntax.

Use this to study for the exam.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Weekend HW

Choose ONE of the following:
30pts-Due Tuesday 5/6

You can all thank Mrs. Hatler for laying a massive guilt-trip on me.

1. Works of literature often depict acts of betrayal. Friends and even family may betray a protagonist; main characters may likewise be guilty of treachery or may betray their own values. In a well-written essay, analyze the nature of betrayal and show how it contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.

2. One of the strongest human drives seems to be a desire for power. Write an essay in which you discuss how a character in a novel or a drama struggles to free himself or herself from the power of others or seeks to gain power over others. Be sure to demonstrate in your essay how the author uses this power struggle to enhance the meaning of the work.

You MUST choose a work from list below.

Richard III