Friday, February 5, 2010

Richard III HW

Today we completed a prose passage essay. Students are to bring the passage in on Monday.

Students should also read through Act II of Richard III and respond to the following questions:

Act II, Scene 1

How is Richard able to undermine the peace accord King Edward has brought about among the members of the court?

Whom does Richard blame for Clarence’s death? Why?

Act II, Scene 2

Why does Richard go to the trouble of manipulating the children of Clarence?

Who is the first person in the play to recognize the full extent of Richard’s evil?

Following the death of King Edward, what is Richard’s first political priority? Who helps him achieve it? Why?

Act II, Scene 3

What is the purpose of this scene in the overall scheme of the play?

Act II, Scene 4

Explain the comic relief in this scene, and explain its purpose?

What event prompts the Queen to seek sanctuary? Who else joins her and why?

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